UnveiledSanDiskspecialized in manufacturingvolumes,the largeststorage cardin the worldthe size of512 GB,where henamed bySanDisk Extreme Pro,and offersthis cardread speedof up to 95MBper second,andwrite speed90Mbps,and this is whatallowsfilmingvideosquality4kandwithoutdelay.Andcan operateat temperaturesup to185 Fahrenheit.It wasthe design ofthis cardto workinconditions ofextreme weather,such as a coldcold, water, shock,andthere isanother version ofthis typein conjunctionalwayswith a capacity of256and 128GB,allaimed atTqnyiatnew imaging4K HDthat you needa very large space,which wouldpushthe companytoTtaiwirbtaqatstorageownto becomea larger size.
Rootletmentioning that thestorage cardSanDisk Extreme Pronow availableBalsoaqnew, but itis witnessinga rise inthe price, with a$ 799,butwiththe passage of timeSakhvzprice.
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